
The indulgence of the picnic

According to Wikipedia; “In contemporary usage, a picnic can be defined simply as a pleasure excursion at which a meal is eaten outdoors (al fresco or en plein air), ideally taking place in a beautiful landscape such as a park, beside a lake or with an interesting view and possibly at a public event such as before an open air theatre performance, and usually in summer.” In the world we live in, it is my belief that one pines for a daily moment of simplicity.

I know in my heart that with all of the forms of connectivity these days, a picnic with my wife is the best way to for me to escape.

Before cars and even electricity, the picnic was the equivalent of a restaurant. Instead of it being a BYOB, it was more about bring your own everything. Couples and families would escape the home and set out on an excursion that would last most of the day. They would take a trunk full of provisions to a site by a lake, river or just a beautiful field and set up for a meal.

Can you imagine not having a local eatery or local coffee roaster with Wi-Fi!

I am reminded of a commercial where a bunch of guys on a quest for the perfect camping site look for a place with no cell service. Is that the new heaven on earth? Even when I am “not connected” I find myself taking photos in the hope of posting to Facebook and tweeting when service returns. The overwhelming force to share the moment with the world is very strong. I am looking for my inner Yoda to help me. What is wrong with me, why can’t I just enjoy the moment?

Over the past few years, I have come to realize that life should not be rushed, but savored. A picnic, as simple as it sounds, can give you a moment of clarity in a busy world. Sometimes you just need to slow down, grab a baguette, some cheese & a bottle of wine and enjoy the moment.

It is for this reason that we have decided to launch a picnic basket program at 109. All summer long we will be creating amazing picnic baskets for sale and also for rent. If you are going to a”Chirp” concert, let us cater it: a day on the lake, no problem; or my favorite, a great drive to an unknown destination, we’ve got you covered.

Call us or visit 109 Picnic to reserve your basket today.