
Thanksgiving 2014

A customer walked into the cheese store the other day and asked me if I was semi-retired.  Well, I said, Monica and I each work an average of 60 hours a week, and I explained and most of that time is on our feet, so why did he think we were semi retired I asked.  His answer made me think and realize how thankful I am for the place I am in my life at the age of 51.  He simply said Monica and I seemed genuinely happy and in love with what we do, so I simply said thank you. Food & wine make us happy and being able to provide our community with the products we find and love is what we enjoy doing, so asking if I was semi-retired was a wonderful complement.

The next 8 days we will be taking orders for cheese, charcuterie & smoked salmon platters as well as extra special goodies from our friends Bernard & Sarah Bouissou of Bernard’s & Sarah’s Wine Bar.  We will bring in Caviar and other goodies to make you Thanksgiving perfect for you. And don’t forget the wine!  Greg, Monica and I have personally slaved and tasted hundreds of wines to find you the perfect selections for your Thanksgiving  feast.

Click the link below to download our 2014 Thanksgiving menu. Call (203-438-5757) or stop in to order, or check out our online ordering from our Products page.


We hope that having 109 Cheese & Wine in your neighborhood makes you happy and feel semi-retired at least some of the time.

Happy Thanksgiving

Todd, Monica and the entire staff at 109
